Friday, August 28, 2009

my first post my fifth night

Hello there. Its 122am. Uci fifth floor is quiet. I have a pillow under my butt on my right side to avoid getting bed sores. Pain level at a one out of ten. Not moving my leg so its ok of course.had a good day. Great turnaround. Started off in tears when Naomi asked me to come home this morning over the phone. It was sad because at that time I had no plan on how I was gonna get better and get out of here. But I hung up the phone and called on God. Put in the one worship CD Mindie packed for me and just breathed in and out for awhile.I decided I would let the sunshine in. Ordered a tasty hospital breakfast.then the rock called. Mindie said she was bringing her parents. And my sister and a ringer. My aunt Karolyn. To the hospital this morning. Long story short: hope. Family. Love and loyalty. Grateful. Plan. Communication. Drs respond. Pain pills increased. Physical therapy started. Ground touched. Sonshine.

1 comment:

  1. It was cool hanging with you last night to the wee hours Josh. I'm thankful you are alive and on your road to recovery! I'm thankful for your friendship and your insight and words of wisdom you've always given me for my business. I will be by tomorrow night before 6pm to see you again. Don't forget to text me with your wishlist :) Godspeed back to 100% bro!
